Miss G & Me Hello there and welcome to this chapter of Diary of a Tall Women Wanting (Beautiful) Pants That Fit.
In this blog, as someone who is 6'1, with a background in health & wellbeing and a lifetime yearning for beautiful clothes to fit me, we'll explore many of the important issues that tall women face when it comes to fashion, from social norms and representation, the ego, cognitive distortions, and any unconscious behaviours you might have developed due to your height.
For a full back story of how I arrived here designing beautiful clothes for the tall, check out Where to begin: diary of a tall women wanting (beautiful) pants that fit
Chapter 7 - Why do you think I'm wearing these?
Recently, I had the pleasure of attending an accelerating women in business event and sat before a panel of very accomplished businesswomen. Their stories deserved to be shared, what is being created from the island of Tasmania and being sent and shared around the world is absolutely astounding.
Sitting in my front row seat, engrossed in what I was hearing, and watching the host walk back and forth with ease and grace, my mind commenced designing a wrap dress of similar ilk to hers - I adored the small side split detail that created extra flow when mid-step, and it was then I noticed all 4 women had the most exceptional shoes on - beautiful three and four-inch heels, actually.
As I sat, adoring the stunning heels before me, my narky inner chatter decided to chime in
‘I bet no one asks them why they are wearing heels’.
I sighed because I felt I was right and confident many tall women reading this blog will already know where I’m going and how organic the pondering actually is…why are you… did you know… you don’t need… we are asked and told.
If not, what I’m referring to is the audacity of people to ask why you are wearing the shoes that you had chosen – particularly heeled shoes, as if you’d made a terrible mistake when getting dressed for the event de jour, and were unaware of it.
The constant loudly asked comments and unsolicited questioning as to why. The looking up and down to size you up, we even see the raised eyebrows of shock/awe/disbelief/surprise once confirmed.
Sitting comfortably in the Miss G & Me Alva Slim Leg Pants and running shoes, I posted this musing on the Miss G & Me IG stories ‘four very established women speaking tonight, but I do wonder if any have been asked why they are wearing heels’ with the hashtag #iykyk – if you know, you know – and yes, many of the Miss G & Me followers know and sent a varied range of responses.
One of the messages recieved was also from one of the panellists –
coz I love how they make me feel!!!!
Nailed it – I couldn’t have said it better myself.
100% and so it should be, what we wear each day and why we chose that item should be coz we love how it makes us feel.
another DM'd my account and asked 'why wouldn't they wear heels to a speaking event?'
But not being women of height, the #iykyk reference was missed.
The everyday, unsolicited, commentary from the not-so-tall, shorter side of society that you've made a mistake by wearing heels comes thick and fast, from every corner.
Let me introduce unconscious bias to you - Everyone holds unconscious beliefs about various social and identity groups, and are formed outside their own conscious awareness, often obtained from a parent or figure of authority in the developing years – tall women shouldn’t wear heels, don’t need to wear heels or a tall enough already, for instance.
Those not of height, your unconscious bias has been exposed, please stop making comments on my, on our, footwear of choice.
Just like you, we chose the footwear we have because we love how they make us feel.
Miss G and Me is the only Australian-made tall women’s clothing label, which reflects a passion for beautiful and sustainable fashion that fits tall women and lasts beyond a few washes. This article was written by the founder + designer, 6'1 Penni Lamprey who has a passionate focus on 'well' and 'being' and how clothes that fit positively contribute to an individual's self-esteem - the heart of the label's values.
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