Yesterday's studio visitor was a lady about my mum's age, and as we never ask such things, I am assuming about '21'... her age really isn't relevant, her finally being in the studio and how she came to be searching for tall women's clothing, is.
For a full back story of how I also ended up in the studio fitting tall women into beautiful clothes that fit them, check out the blog Diaries of a Tall Woman Wanting (beautiful) wants that fit
This chapter: I'll never stop caring, and nor should you.
Ms. M texted me asking if she could visit the studio to try on some clothes - you know the drill 'I never feel confident buying online...'
We had a great chat and I assumed her visit was prompted by the recent article announcing my Best of Business nomination - The search for the ultimate tall black pants that fit, but no.
This visitor had a promotional flyer I had left in her mailbox some 6 months earlier and had kept it close - my eldest rows at stupid o clock and I figure I too could put the time to good use after dropping him off - the sunrises can be breathtaking, this capture of the Tasman Bridge at sunrise won a national competition!

As my visitor explored the range, immediately drawn to Alva and Maddie, and like most other tall women in my safe space, the conversation shared the dismay of past experiences, the comments, the friendly coaching from others - 'one day you'll stop caring and wear whatever you want' she was told.
While we both appreciated the intent of such a statement, as a tall woman, you'll be fully aware the 'wear want you want' bit is the crux of our situation, but more importantly, such comments can spark an unintentional performative allyship mindset - let's give up the fight together...
I'd like to wear a (beautiful) pair of long pants, pls
I'd like to wear a shirt that has cuffs to reach my wrist, please.
I'd like to wear a contemporary style of shoes, please
Underwear, swimwear, jackets, hats, and knee-high socks when it's cold, too, please.
I'm guessing those not of height are not adding the 'that actually fit'...'that is long enough'...'that are in my size'...
It took Ms. M less than 22 minutes to make her decisions: Alva Slim Leg in Green and Maddie Chillax - Elsa Bucket Hat is on the list
As I wrapped her new garments, it was then I asked why now, why after 6 months, was today the day? I'd dropped off 1000 flyers in the Hobart area, she was my first and I was keen to understand the buyer's mindset.

'Because I never stopped caring, because I wanted clothes that fit, something that's never really been available to me, I hoped you'd be different'..
Drop the mic... hope had brought her to me that day.
Hope is the cornerstone of society. Hope operates as a protective factor, allowing positivity and optimism for the future.
After that, after knowing there is now a place where tall women can shop with confidence it became a stage of change for this individual - and where I also benefit - my hope bubble has grown some more from my studio visitor's comment.
Change comes in stages and each stage progresses, or not, from both unconscious and conscious decision-making, and trade-offs.
When making decisions, individuals often ‘trade-off’ values and their needs; clothing is a physiological need, beautiful clothing that fits properly is psychologically valued, and is obtained by whether or not that value is in conflict or being nurtured.
Ms. M values self-care.
And I am assuming, that hundreds and thousands of tall Australian women are of the same mindset - wearing what they must, but have never stopped caring and living in hope; the future of the label and relevancy in the market relies on it, to be honest...
This conversation gave me further hope, hope that a clothing label can positively change the lives of its customers, a few pairs of pants at a time.
My promise to you, myself, our daughters, and anyone who would like to wear these garments - This path is by far long and winding, and certainly not the easy one to take, but I'll never stop caring, and nor should you.
Miss G and Me is the only Australian-made tall women’s clothing label, which reflects a passion for beautiful and sustainable fashion that fits tall women and lasts beyond a few washes. This article was written by the founder + designer, 6'1 Penni Lamprey who has a passionate focus on 'well' and 'being' and how clothes that fit positively contribute to an individual's self-esteem - the heart of the label's values.
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