In this blog, as someone who is 6'1, with a background in health & wellbeing and a lifetime yearning for beautiful clothes to fit me, we'll explore many of the important issues that tall women face when it comes to fashion, from social norms and representation, the ego, cognitive distortions, and any unconscious behaviours you might have developed due to your height.
Oh to be challenged!!!
Rightly so, there is a lot of talk at the moment about biases, inclusion, equity and fairness - and how we can bring our unconscious thinking and behavioural patterns to the forefront by thinking a little on the topic before we speak and unintentionally hurt or exclude others.
While exploring the name for our clothing label - not one, or two, even three, but FIVE trusted insiders contacted me to consider the actual need to even include gender in the business name, tagline and gender identification in the validation survey.
Each and every time I immediately went to explain why I 'needed' too...
But, it...
Because it shows....
If I don' will I...?
You know what? There is absolutely no reason why I 'need' to include gender descriptors in my tagline or during market research. I'm unconsciously following the societal norm.

As my wise friend said during these conversations 'Reality is, that a line of clothing for tall people really taps into the needs of a lot of trans and non-binary community members as it's often difficult for them to buy clothing that fits their biologically 'male' frame'.
As a woman of height, I have spent most of my life not fitting into things, why would I consciously, and intentionally do the same to others? If you want to wear my clothes, and I'm certain you will, what does it matter the gender or not that you identify with? - clothes designed in beautiful fabrics to fit the taller silhouette is my objective.
We have no gender in our tagline.
Wanting to foster and build an inclusive brand, but not yet truly picking up what my friends had put down... I then asked how I would seek out which gender, if at all an individual identified within idea my validation survey - her response "is there a need to ask gender?"
Again, I started to explain/justify why...
Asking tells me...
Because it...
If I don't...
Inclusion can also involve leaving something out. Knowing what is the key.
Miss G and Me is the only Australian-made tall women’s fashion label, which reflects a passion for beautiful and sustainable fashion that fits and lasts. See the range online at
