Hello there and welcome to this chapter of Diary of a Tall Women Wanting (Beautiful) Pants That Fit.
In this blog, as someone who is 6'1, with a background in health & wellbeing and a lifetime yearning for beautiful clothes to fit me, we'll explore many of the important issues that tall women face when it comes to fashion, from social norms and representation, the ego, cognitive distortions, and any unconscious behaviours you might have developed due to your height.
For a full back story of how I arrived here designing beautiful clothes for the tall, check out Where to begin: diary of a tall women wanting (beautiful) pants that fit
Here goes chapter 3..
Miss G & I took a summer walk into Cresent Bay, it's a beach known for its epically high sand dunes and bodyboards hidden in the bushes by the locals so all can enjoy the thrill of propelling themselves a million miles an hour down from the nosebleed section into the surf.
The sun was high, we had snacks and supplies and looking forward to doing it together - I had promised her the water was sensational, and an adventure!
It's a moderate hour walk, some hills and a steep descent make hitting the water a well-deserved reward. Miss G launched in and was enjoying the refreshing change. I had my beautiful Akubra hat on so only went thigh-high...
The first time I went to Cresent Bay a year before, I was tempted to go skinny dipping - I was there alone with my husband - the water was flat and clear as glass, the beach secluded - thankfully, I didn't strip down, my coyness winning the challenge my heart so totally wanted to win, entering the water in my shorts and tee.
Within moments, there were people everywhere, where did they suddenly come from, moments ago it was just Mr Miss G & Me...but now, they too were wishing they had bathers as they offered a round of applause to me.
This time, though, the waves were higher, crashing with more frequency and force, a few knocking Miss G over easily. I could see she was becoming weary from them, then one randomly higher one knocked her completely over and under the waves, hitting her head on the sea bed, holding her down there for a few very intense seconds.
She left the waves in a state, nursing a grazed leg and bumped forehead.
We left the beach after sharing our slabs of cheese and biscuits and hydrating for the warmer afternoon trek up the hill and out again - having a giggle at the underprepared tourists in wool jumpers, with no sun hat or water bottles, Miss G offering they'd have a dry head that night, for sure.
It was at the top, we looked back down and Miss G was struck by how the very same place she was tossed and torn in was now the most beautiful thing she could remember seeing - the undulation of the water moving 'like slow-moving lava, mumma' she said as I experienced the vista and the fresh air with her.
We both stood silently for a while, I then used this opportunity to talk about how at the moment things can often be very dramatic and scary - turmoil and anxiety ruling us, yet with distance and reflection, a completely different perspective can be seen.
I am constantly reminded of this.
The Miss G & Me label is the most challenging thing I have ever undertaken, most days I feel like I am in that surf; some days it's calm and 'let's go skinny dipping' perfect, others, more frequently, like Miss G coping a knock after knock, to then be injured and wanting to go home.
The memory of our walk brings my attention to the element of acceptance - we are often in conflict between how we want things to be, and how we are perceiving them to be - resulting in a mental struggle.
For context, it was May 2022 when I composed this blog and the second batch of Alva Slim Leg Pant was supposed to have been delivered by then - the fabric was ordered in April - at the time, the entire country still needs time to catch up or keep up as supply chains for every industry face challenges.
Yay, clear waters worth swimming in, our Vickie Pencil Skirt had been sent to the pattern maker for grading and Maddie Chillax Pant and Jen Long Sleeve Top are in production!
This time, the wave that knocked me to the sea bed and storming out of the water is one of our patternmakers who had contracted COVID and the studio is closed, future patterns ETA unknown.
It is undeniable that life consists of both pleasant or positive (the good) and unpleasant or negative (the bad) experiences, and furthermore, they are all inevitable parts of life and the health & wellbeing of our supply chain will always come first.
There were tears of overwhelm in my eyes as I drove into the studio, my breath caught in my throat; more skinny dipping moments, less tumbling pls, I wanted to yell.
Selfish? Maybe, but gee-flippin-whiz, a break from the breaks would be great.
I stopped my pity party with the memory of the gentle rolling perspective of standing afar from the hustle and bustle of those waves, reminding myself that distance and a change of perspective are my friends, as is acceptance.
Acceptance is not saying yes to everything or resigning to the situation, rather, acceptance is acknowledging that something has happened or is the way it is, and letting go of how it ‘should be’.
With acceptance as my companion, the need to reject, struggle and complain about what is, or rather, my perception of what is, allows me to find space. It is in this space, knowing flight or fright isn't serving me, I can choose how I will constructively respond to creating beautiful clothes for tall Australian women.
Miss G and Me is the only Australian-made tall women’s fashion label, which reflects a passion for beautiful and sustainable fashion that fits and lasts. See the range online at missgandme.com.au